an out of this world exhibition of cheerful kay bojesen’s creative work, from the early days where he worked as an apprentice silver smith for georg jensen. kay bojesen truely made the dane’s smile with his well thought out funny design of wooden animals, people, machinery and i hope you will enjoy the show as much as i did!
it is always exciting to visit a danish antique fair, and the fair in roede kro, is kind of international, since it is next to the german border, and the dealers hit both the danish buyers as well as the german buyers, different payment in euros and danish crowns and both danish and german is spoken, really a special atmosphere. enjoy the show.
the grand old man bjoern wandall, in the flesh, worth meeting, a legend within the danish art world and still going strong, he always has the best and he is only interested in the very best, the below pictures showing his extraordinary collection, he has a unique gallery on the west coast of jutland, http://www.pakhusetkrik.dk/
just cruising around in denmark the saturday farmer’s marked in aarhus, a must! visiting tucked away places with good food and good pillows http://hotel-saxkjobing.dk/ saxkjoebing, lolland and https://ilsemade.dk/, samsoe an island outside aarhus
farmer’s marked aarhus
a local green thumb.
saxkjoebing hotel
saxkjoebing hotel, breakfast.
visiting anette kraen http://www.anettekraen.dk/ -she made lunch with everything, touring the beautiful north fyn and hours discussion about danish modern jewelry.
arriving by ferry to samsoe.
view from hotel ilse made https://www.ilsemade.dk/
ready for dinner at hotel ilse made.
cocktails and good ones.
breakfast at ilse made.
just made rolls, breakfast ilse made, however, one can only eat so much.
view from the hotel, early morning
view from the hotel, early morning
danis egs only come in large and extra large, and they are good!
journey to bornholm, christiansø plus mainland denmark late may & june 2017
welcome to bornholm and christiansø and mainland denmark if you wish, you are most welcome to join me on my trip. i welcome you with local brew and snaps, not bad at all. if you have a chance you should try it too!
so if you have the time, and passion for denmark like i have, you will properly enjoy my world.
stammersballe badehotel ( seaside resort ) i stayed wit my daughter louise, below hints of how good it was, and it was good.
detail from the dinner, notice my room key, interesting !
breakfast setting, too bad, one can only eat so much, really not that much, so better choose wisely.
a lovely selection, again choose wisely.
a gem of a museum, bornholms kunstmuseum, i found a small group of good danish silver and jewelry, a must visit.
jewelry at the museum.
silver at t he museum
silver at the museum
chimneys everywhere, looks like everybody has a little smoking business, nice.
a lovely smoke house.
a well deserved nap, after a real bornholm lunch, smoked herring, beer and a few small ones ( snaps )
everything so well kept, looks real good.
former smoking house, now a coffee cafe, changing indeed, still looks charming
worth a visit, danish artist's house oluf hoest.
i am relaxing in the wonderful garden at oluf hoest's house. extremely well kept, my daughter told me, there is a bathtub in the lady's room, that is something good to know.
former boots shop, great memories.
now, one hour sailing and right in front us is christiansoe, very exciting. 45 families live here permanently and of course a daily influx of tourists like us invade the tiny island, however, tough rules, only six rooms at the grocery store ( local inn ) and a couple of cells at the local prison, are converted to "hotel rooms", though the key is on the inside, nice feeling.
the local inn, 6 rooms only, we were lucky we made reservation long time ago, rooms very nice.
the inn. real charming, at 5 o'clock the restaurant open, and the locals and a couple of turists enter, beer and snaps will shortly be served.
fancy dinner at the dinning room, yes, the food was delicious.
street view, on main street.
a paradise for the birds.
very well kept streets, only a few streets though.
now, at the mainland seeland denmark, village inn near ringsted, meeting the locals, i guess a farmer and his wife, charming a big smile.
more locals at the village inn, such a great atmosphere, simply, one has to like it.
outside the inn.
in copenhagen, keeping an eye on the traffic and the beer
visit anne ammitzboel shop in copenhagen as well on display in her shop extraordinary design jewelry by nanne yes, anne and i took the time for lunch at sankt annae , one of the best lunch places in copenhagen, if not the best, great style and very much civilized.
lovely display at anne ammitzboel shop
visit anette kraen in her workshop
details from the work shop
more interesting display in the work shop
details, i like all the things in anette kraen's work shop
great nut cracker and funny chair, good to look at.
anette invited me for a typical danish lunch, i liked every bite, great arrangement
could not be more charming.
coffee and homemade danish apple cake with whipped cream, served in anette's work shop, it is quite easy to gain pounds visiting denmark.
Pictures from the Jens Harald Quistgaard exhibit at the Heart Museum
During my trip back in may I had the pleasure of visiting the city of Herning for the Heart Museum's exhibition on Jens Quistgaard The show was most fantastic and highlighted many of Jens Quistgaard's iconic works. Everything was well arranged and curated by Stig Guldberg, whose attention to detail and understanding of the artist shows in the exhibit.
You can see some pictures from the trip below.
Georg Jensen Show in LA at Decades 1998.
Cameron Silver visited me several times when I had my humble shop on 25th street in Manhattan, and over the course of our meetings we got to know each other and we became friends. One day, in 1998, Cameron asked if I would like to have a Georg Jensen show in his store DECADES on Melrose Ave. in Los Angeles, to which I said, “I would love to!”.
I contacted Georg Jensen’s granddaughter Ea Jensen, who lived in Rye NY. She was thrilled of the idea, so my wife, Alice, Ea and myself sat down and made plans for the show. The girls took the responsibility for making a catalog for the show and I gathered a number of Jensen pieces from clients and of my own, so we could show a variety of jewelry, flatware and hollowware.
Cameron offered his parents guesthouse in Hollywood for us to stay in. A great idea we thought. Cameron generously paid for everything with the show in his store, showcases decoration material, advertising and all sorts of things, and I would like to point out, he was quite generous and elaborate. Everything he arranged was the best.
On the opening night Cameron arranged a fantastic event. Valet parking, waiters in tuxedos served fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate plus more. The store was packed with people the whole evening, and the press came to write about the show.
The show was open daily for 2 weeks, and I was in the store every day and met people who stopped by to see the show. One day I meet 2 gentlemen, very kind and most interesting in a Georg Jensen flatware set. I'm sorry to say, they did not buy the set, however when they left Cameron asked me if I knew who they were, I told him I had no idea.
He said it was Tom Ford and his friend.
I said, “Oh Ford from the car family.”
“No, no....” Cameron said, “Tom Ford is the designer for Gucci!”
I am most thankful to Cameron for everything he did. It was a lot of fun and gave me good memories.
Here is a link to cameron’s store if you would like to visit.
journey to denmark late may 2016
bike cabs are challenging the taxi's i copenhagen
bike cabs are challenging the taxi's i copenhagen
coffee, store kongensgade ( http://www.pbchokolade.dk/gb/ ) and watching the interesting crow walking by.
hartogsohn antik ( http://hartogsohn.dk/ ), one of the old and very fine antik shops in copenhagen, still going strong.
in her shop, ira harttogsohn, the owner and daughter of the founder ketti hartogsohn. i have visited the shop many times, always a good smell of the old days. good people to deal with.
lunch at akvavitten ( http://www.akvavitten.dk/english), met with michael von essen, the grey eminence of georg jensen's antique department for more that 40 years , he retired some years ago. he is indeed greatly missed in the community of the truly georg jensen admirers. he knew everything plus.
akvavit served from the right
akvavit was served from the left.
in all fairness, i should mention, michael got one small akvavit only, i got the sample akvavit menu, just a drop of home made akvavit in each of the 5 glasses, excellent.
coffee, the lovely serving angle, her name is hellemai accepted to be on the picture, thank you.
michael von essen, leaving lunch on bike as a true dane of to day.
lunch at st. annae (http://www.restaurantsanktannae.dk/en/ ) with anne ammitzboel who designed independently for georg jensen in the years ( 1980's ) when andreas mikkelsen was head of the design team for georg jensen. i have known anne for many years, and the luncheon, a great idea, thanks for spending some time with me, you are good company.
anne ammitzboel in her studio. she still comes up with new design projects, and always did and always will.
on the way from hellerup to copenhagen, a lovely nice size bottle of beer, need big glasses!
just a lovely pieceful street in the heart of copenhagen
zoll antiques, store kongensgade 77, kim with a welcoming smile. he took over from his grandfather and changed the display, so now it is actually possible to walk around in the shop and see everything. kim is working with his computer on line, and a the same time is the shop open for the public, good concept. good job and good luck kim.
crossing knibbelsbro ( possible somebody lives in the house )
coffee shop on the go in copenhagen.
a couple of steps down, and before you reached the counter, a glass of cold rose' is poured, i like that kind of service. brand new wine bar in copenhagen, specializing in german wine.
this is the bike loving city. a great detail, an iron track when rolling your bike down the stairs, not bad to be a bike here.
a glass of expensive white wine, relaxing, enjoying the view to the government building christiansborg and as well the canal. good to be here.
in aarhus. city hall, designed by arne jacobsen 1941. skovmoellen, a great place for lunch, really like in the old days ( http://www.skovmoellen-femmoeller.dk/ ). den gamle by, the old town museum ( https://www.dengamleby.dk/the-old-town/ ), a lovely beer-tasting, strong stuff, the baker shop plus an exhibition of silver from hingelberg as well in the old town museum.
spend some time in aarhus, you will like and aarhus will like it too.
now, the last stop before flying back to new york, outside of aalborg in limfjorden, on a tiny island egeholm, 5 minutes on ferry, you will need a guide to get to this fab. rest called kronborg ( http://kronborg-egholm.dk/forside.aspx ), well they have a website, so it must be within the civilation.
what a final. already on the plain. thanks for following to the end.
from 4th of september 2015 to 28th of february 2016
from 4th of september 2015 to 28th of february 2016
welcome to the show - let the pictures guide you - feel the spirit in this old restored castle, all the treasures will speak to you in their own language, a really treat to visit the exhibition and koldinghus http://www.koldinghus.dk/
From my journey in October 2015 to London
While visiting London, I found a pop up modernist jewelry show at the old Selfridge Hotel. The most outstanding booth belonged to my friends at grasilver (http://grasilver.com/ ), where they have a stunning and exciting collection of the best modern Scandinavian jewelry. I am proud to say I know the people well. They're trustworthy and always provide the best service.
February 2015 - A trip to Denmark
I went to Denmark a few weeks ago to meet with a few dealer friends of mine and to stop by and visit a few family members along the way.
I arrived in Copenhagen some time around noon and took the train to the shopping area where my friends of many years had their shop. When I got to their shops I began browsing for some new and unusual finds to add to our collection (which you can see on our What's New page), when they broke to me the bad news. Despite several years of successful business, they were, sadly, closing the next day. They had, unfortunately, suffered too much theft as of recent, and, with the rising costs of security and insurance, had found that it was time to retire. With a heavy heart, this would be the last visit to this particular shop.
I then went to the hotel I was staying at, the Hotel Bethel in Nyhavn, which I have stayed at several times during my trips, and overlooks the canals. I then decided to take an evening stroll around the city.
It was misting rain, but nevertheless a wonderful and pleasant evening. As I crossed the Royal Theater Square, the aroma of fine Danish hot dogs caught my nose. It's a bit of an indulgence, but I normally reserve getting a Danish hot dog for when I'm at the airport, and is one of those small things that reminds me I am back home. Across the square I spotted the hotdog vendor, and as I began to cross the street, I was dismayed to see he began to shut down for the night.
Disappointed but not beaten, I began my walk, up Store Kogensgade, where many shops were located, and was delighted to simply browse the shop windows and watch the people as they passed by. The streets were alive and full of energy during the early evening.
Turning off the road on to one of the side streets, I happened upon a traditional Danish restaurant, Toldbod Bodega, with a traditional sandwich board outside with the night's specials written in chalk: " Brisket of Beef with Horseradish Sauce " and in danish" Oksebryst med Pepperrodssovs og Groensager"
The delicious smells emanating from the building and the cheerful noise from the patrons was too much to resist.
Upon entering, I was met at once by a young blonde woman, who, in perhaps not the most pleasant way, greeted me, “And what do you want?” I was a bit surprised, of course, and, with my mouth watering, asked if I could get a bit to eat. She had replied that, of course, they were a bit busy, and had no available tables, to which I responded, “That's perfectly fine, I'll sit in the kitchen and eat if I must!”
She, of course, laughed, and found me a spot to sit at a table which was reserved for a party that was to show up later. I ordered my dinner, one of the specials from the chalkboard outside. While I sipped my beer I enjoyed watching the fellow patrons enjoy the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant, and when my meal came out, I was amazed by the sight of the dishes of brisket of beef, horseradish sauce and vegetables before me. I savored every bite of my meal, along with their fine selection of aquavit which paired nicely with my meal. For dessert, I ordered a lemon mousse with whipped cream, which was equally wonderful and the perfect end to a fabulous meal. I paid for my meal, and set about to finish my evening stroll. It was great to be back in Copenhagen.
A few days later, my daughter, Louise, had made reservations for another fantastic restaurant, Frocken Koch, a wonderful Danish restaurant in my home town of Aarhus. We had to make reservations ahead of time for a special dinner. We started the meal by being served a glass of champagne and for the next 4 hours the most delicious food were served. If you are ever in Aarhus, I recommend making reservations
march 2012
Sculpture by soren georg jensen at graabroedre torv in copenhagen, good to look at.
june 2011
Moving to dumbo
november 2010 - trip to denmark
enamel work by inger hanmann at the airport in copenhagen , stunning huge wall decorations.

may 2008 - trip to denmark
.Below are pictures from my trip to the koldinghus museum.